We study single spin asymmetries at one-loop accuracy in Drell-Yan processes in which one of the initial hadrons is transversely polarized. The spin-dependent part of differential cross-sections can be factorized with various hadronic matrix elements of twist-2 and twist-3 operators. These operators can be of even-and odd-chirality. In this work, the studied observables of asymmetries are differential crosssections with different weights. These weights are selected so that the observables are spin-dependent and their virtual corrections are completely determined by the quark form factor. In the calculations of one-loop corrections we meet collinear divergences in the contributions involving chirality-odd and chirality-even operators. We find that all of the divergences can be correctly subtracted. Therefore, our results give an explicit example of QCD factorization at one-loop with twist-3 operators, especially, QCD factorization with chirality-odd twist-3 operators.have nonzero orbital angular momenta. Another one is the correlation defined with a chirality-odd operator for an unpolarized hadron. The involved contribution is combined with the twist-2 transversity parton distribution, which is not well-known. In hadronic processes there are usually significant corrections from next-to-leading order. With our results at one-loop, the twist-3 parton distributions can be extracted from experimental results more accurately than with tree-results. At one-loop twist-3 gluon distribution will contribute. Knowing the one-loop correction, it can help to extract the twist-3 gluon distribution. Currently, the relevant experiment can be perform at RHIC and Compass, where transversely polarized proton beam or target are available.SSA at tree-level in Drell-Yan processes has been studied extensively. In [3,4,6,5,7,8] the effect of SSA has been studied in the case where the transverse momentum of the lepton pair is small and approaching to zero. The effect is at order of O(α 0 s ). For the case of the large transverse momentum SSA has been studied in [9,10,11,12,13,14], where the effect of SSA is at order of O(α s ). While calculations beyond tree-level in QCD factorization at twist-2 are rather standard and many one-loop results exist, there are not many results of one-loop calculation with twist-3 factorization. For Drell-Yan processes there is only one work in [15] where one weighted differential cross-section of SSA involving the twist-3 quark-gluon operator of [1,2] is calculated at one-loop. For Semi-Inclusive DIS different parts of one-loop results about SSA can be found in [16,17,18]. One-loop study of twist-3 factorization for DIS has been performed in [19].Recently the complete twist-3 part of the hadronic tensor of Drell-Yan process and of Semi-Inclusive DIS has been derived at the tree-level O(α 0 s ) for the first time in [8,20], respectively. According to these results one can systematically construct weighted observables of SSA. An interesting finding in these works is that the twist-3 hadronic tensors contain a ...