Light-harvesting antenna complexes not only aid in the capture of solar energy for photosynthesis, but regulate the quantity of transferred energy as well. Light-harvesting regulation is important for protecting reaction center complexes from overexcitation, generation of reactive oxygen species, and metabolic overload. Usually, this regulation is controlled by the association of lightharvesting antennas with accessory quenchers such as carotenoids. One antenna complex, the Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) antenna protein from green sulfur bacteria, completely lacks carotenoids and other known accessory quenchers. Nonetheless, the FMO protein is able to quench energy transfer in aerobic conditions effectively, indicating a previously unidentified type of regulatory mechanism. Through de novo sequencing MS, chemical modification, and mutagenesis, we have pinpointed the source of the quenching action to cysteine residues (Cys49 and Cys353) situated near two lowenergy bacteriochlorophylls in the FMO protein from Chlorobaculum tepidum. Removal of these cysteines (particularly removal of the completely conserved Cys353) through N-ethylmaleimide modification or mutagenesis to alanine abolishes the aerobic quenching effect. Electrochemical analysis and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra suggest that in aerobic conditions the cysteine thiols are converted to thiyl radicals which then are capable of quenching bacteriochlorophyll excited states through electron transfer photochemistry. This simple mechanism has implications for the design of bio-inspired light-harvesting antennas and the redesign of natural photosynthetic systems.photosynthesis | Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein | excitation quenching | thiyl radical | light-harvesting P hotosynthesis can be performed in the presence of oxygen (oxygenic photosynthesis, in which water is the electron source) or in its absence (anoxygenic photosynthesis, in which other reduced species such as sulfide are the electron sources) (1-3). Many bacteria performing anoxygenic photosynthesis contain type I reaction center (RC) protein complexes that use Fe-S clusters to transfer electrons to ferredoxin or related molecules after photoinduced charge separation (4-6). These Fe-S clusters are easily damaged by molecular oxygen. Therefore, anoxygenic phototrophs must use a pathway either to remove oxygen or to reduce the rate of photosynthesis whenever oxygen is encountered (1, 5).Phototrophic members of the bacterial phylum Chlorobi (green sulfur bacteria, GSBs) are anoxygenic phototrophs that contain such a type I RC. They also contain two peripheral antenna complexes that aid in regulating light absorption and energy transfer: the chlorosome and the homotrimeric Fenna-Matthews-Olson (FMO) protein complex. When oxygen is encountered, the bacteria are able to decrease the output of photosynthesis. This process involves creating trapping sites in the antenna complexes where de-excitation processes outcompete the rate of energy transfer to the RC, preventing RC damage. This process is well un...