The current interest in CO n (n > 2) oxides reflects the growing recognition of their role in different research areas. First, CO n species are key intermediates in the reactions of atomic and molecular oxygen with the lower oxides of carbon, hydrocarbons, and other organic molecules.[1] Furthermore, CO n oxides and their ions are relevant to the chemistry of the terrestrial [2] and planetary [3] atmospheres. More importantly, members of the CO n family are potential high-energy density materials (HEDM), the next generation of environmentally benign propellants and explosives.[4] CO 4 is of special interest, since ab initio MP2, QCISD and MP2/6-31G* calculations [5][6][7] have identified a CO 4 D 2d 1 A 1 singlet as a metastable species that releases from 80 to 93 kcal mol À1 upon dissociation into CO 2 (X 1 AE + ) and O 2 (a 1 D). Another isomer of C 2v symmetry has been identified on the potential energy surface (PES) of the lowest 1 A 1 singlet state, and two local C 2v minima have been located on the low-lying, excited triplet PES. [7] In summary, the available theoretical results identify two singlets of D 2d and C 2v symmetry as the lowest energy CO 4