An overview of the applications of photoluminescence techniques for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in environmental samples is presented. The basic experimental procedures of several techniques, such as room‐temperature fluorimetry, low‐temperature phosphorimetry (LTP), micelle‐stabilized room‐temperature phosphorimetry (MSRTP), sensitized room‐temperature phosphorimetry (RTP), solid‐surface room‐temperature phosphorimetry (SSRTP), and Shpol'skii spectrometry at 77 K are provided. Analytical figures of merit, such as linear dynamic ranges (LDRs) of calibration curves, limits of detection, and relative standard deviations (RSDs), are compared. Basic spectrofluorimeters for direct laboratory analysis of organic pollutants and instrumental systems utilized for chromatographic detection are discussed. Emphasis to portable devices using laser excitation is given to illustrate the usefulness of photoluminescence techniques for field and remote analysis of contaminated sites. Specific examples of emerging technology developed in the author's laboratory are presented to illustrate recent advances in photoluminescence analysis of environmental samples.