The eigenbases of two quantum observables, $\{|a_i\rangle\}_{i=1}^D$ and $\{|b_j\rangle\}_{j=1}^D$, form Mutually Unbiassed Bases (MUB) if $|\langle a_i |b_j \rangle| = 1/\sqrt{D}$ for all $i$ and $j$. In realistic situations MUB are hard to obtain and one looks for Approximate MUB (AMUB), in which case the corresponding eigenbases obey $|\langle a_i |b_j \rangle| \leq c/\sqrt{D}$, where $c$ is some positive constant independent of $D$. In majority of cases observables corresponding to MUB and AMUB do not have clear physical interpretation. Here we study discrete-time quantum walks on $d$-cycles with a position and coin-dependent phase-shift. Such a model simulates a dynamics of a quantum particle moving on a ring with an artificial gauge field. In our case the amplitude of the phase-shift is governed by a single discrete parameter $q$. We solve the model analytically and observe that for prime $d$ the eigenvectors of two quantum walk evolution operators form AMUB. Namely, if $d$ is prime the corresponding eigenvectors of the evolution operators, that act in the $D$-dimensional Hilbert space ($D=2d$), obey $|\langle v_q|v'_{q'} \rangle| \leq \sqrt{2}/\sqrt{D}$ for $q\neq q'$ and for all $|v_q\rangle$ and $|v'_{q'}\rangle$. Finally, we show that the analogous AMUB relation still holds in the continuous version of this model, which corresponds to a one-dimensional Dirac particle.