Abstract. -Diffusion is modeled on the recently proposed Hanoi networks by studying the meansquare displacement of random walks with time,˙r 2¸∼ t 2/dw . It is found that diffusionthe quintessential mode of transport throughout Nature -proceeds faster than ordinary, in one case with an exact, anomalous exponent dw = 2 − log 2 (φ) = 1.30576 . . .. It is an instance of a physical exponent containing the "golden ratio" φ =`1 + √ 5´/2 that is intimately related to Fibonacci sequences and since Euclid's time has been found to be fundamental throughout geometry, architecture, art, and Nature itself. It originates from a singular renormalization group fixed point with a subtle boundary layer, for whose resolution φ is the main protagonist. The origin of this rare singularity is easily understood in terms of the physics of the process. Yet, the connection between network geometry and the emergence of φ in this context remains elusive. These results provide an accurate test of recently proposed universal scaling forms for first passage times.