We perform numerical studies of the running coupling constant α R (p 2 ) and of the gluon and ghost propagators for pure SU (2) lattice gauge theory in the minimal Landau gauge. Different definitions of the gauge fields and different gauge-fixing procedures are used respectively for gaining better control over the approach to the continuum limit and for a better understanding of Gribov-copy effects. We find that the ghost-ghost-gluon-vertex renormalization constant is finite in the continuum limit, confirming earlier results by all-order perturbation theory. In the low momentum regime, the gluon form factor is suppressed while the ghost form factor is divergent. Correspondingly, the ghost propagator diverges faster than 1/p 2 and the gluon propagator appears to be finite. Precision data for the running coupling α R (p 2 ) are obtained. These data are consistent with an IR fixed point given by lim p→0 α R (p 2 ) = 5(1).