To the memory of R.G. Douglas. You were not only a vast source of knowledge. Words cannot fully express my appreciation for your steady advice, your unfaltering support and the many hours of mathematical discussions we shared.Abstract. Motivated by applications of the discrete random Schrödinger operator, mathematical physicists and analysts, began studying more general Anderson-type Hamiltonians; that is, the family of self-adjoint operators Hω = H + Vω on a separable Hilbert space H, where the perturbation is given by Vω = n ωn( · , ϕn)ϕn with a sequence {ϕn} ⊂ H and independent identically distributed random variables ωn.We show that the the essential parts of Hamiltonians associated to any two realizations of the random variable are (almost surely) related by a rank one perturbation. This result connects one of the least trackable perturbation problem (with almost surely non-compact perturbations) with one where the perturbation is 'only' of rank one perturbations. The latter presents a basic application of model theory.We also show that the intersection of the essential spectrum with open sets is almost surely either the empty set, or it has non-zero Lebesgue measure.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A55; Secondary 82B44, 81Q10.