Adapting a construction of D Salamon involving the U.1/ vortex equations, we explore the properties of a Floer theory for 3-manifolds that fiber over S 1 which exhibits several parallels with monopole Floer homology, and in all likelihood coincides with it. The theory fits into a restricted analogue of a TQFT in which the cobordisms are required to be equipped with Lefschetz fibrations, and has connections to the dynamics of surface symplectomorphisms.57R57; 57R56, 53D401 Background and summary of resultsFor some time it has been known that two of the most important invariants of smooth closed 4-manifolds, the Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants, can each be expressed in terms of .3 C 1/-dimensional topological quantum field theories (see Donaldson [6], Marcolli and Wang [27], Kronheimer and Mrowka [19]). In such a "TQFT," to each oriented 3-manifold Y (perhaps equipped with additional data, such as a spin c -structure), one associates canonically a group V .Y / satisfying, among several other conditions, the property that a cobordism X from Y 1 to Y 2 functorially induces a homomorphismIf X is a smooth closed oriented 4-manifold, divided into two pieces as X D X 1 [ Y X 2 with b C .X i / > 0, one views X 1 as a cobordism from the empty set ¿ to Y and X 2 as a cobordism from ¿ to Y (ie, Y with its orientation reversed). One has a natural identification V . Y / Š V .Y / , and the 4-dimensional invariant I X is obtained by a natural calculation in V .Y / involving the images of the maps F X 1 and F X 2 ; I X is independent of the choice of splitting of X into the two pieces X 1 and X 2 .In the presence of a symplectic structure ! on the spin c 4-manifold .X; s/, the famous work of C Taubes collected in [45] shows that the Seiberg-Witten invariant S W X .s/ agrees with a "Gromov invariant" Gr .X ;!/ .˛s/ which counts pseudoholomorphic submanifolds of X representing a homology class˛s corresponding to s . Kronheimer and Mrowka's work [19] (see [20] for a summary) lays the full foundations for the TQFT underlying S W X .s/, in which the role of the group V .Y / in the above description is played by HM.Y; s; Á/, where s is a spin c structure and Á 2 H 2 .Y I /ޒ is the