A function κ-transformation w (z) → w (z) = w (z) (1 + κ (z)) is constructed with the initial condition κ (z 0 ) = 0 at the point z 0 ∈ Ω and a more general K-transformation w (z) → w (z) = w (z) K (z) that is also made to rediscuss the complex differentiability for a given complex function w and subsequently we obtain a certain continuity and differentiability new criteria-nonlinear K (z)-structural Cauchy-Riemann equations to judge a complex function to be complex structural differentiable, namely, K-structural holomorphic condition in C or C n respectively. Then we found an unique Carleman-Bers-Vekua equations which is more simpler that all coefficients are dependent to the structural function κ (z) or K (z). The generalized K (z)-exterior differential operator and the generalized structural Wirtinger derivatives are simultaneously obtained as well. Nonlinear K (z)-structural Laplace equation is studied in the form of a secondorder partial differential equation.In this framework of K (z)-structural function, we surprisely discover that structural function K (z) is innately dependent to the complex domain or complex manifold themself, and the Cauchy-Riemann equation or nonlinear Cauchy-Riemann equation or Carleman-Bers-Vekua equations can be unified and expressed in a simple and compact differential form-K (z)-structural holomorphic differential equation, since K (z) can be chosen arbitrarily, thus it has greatly generalized the applied practicability what we study.