For N ≥ 3, by the seminal paper of Brezis and Véron (Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 75(1):1-6, 1980/81), no positive solutions of −∆u + u q = 0 in R N \ {0} exist if q ≥ N/(N − 2); for 1 < q < N/(N −2) the existence and profiles near zero of all positive C 1 (R N \{0}) solutions are given by Friedman and Véron (Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 96(4): 1986).In this paper, for every q > 1 and θ ∈ R, we prove that the nonlinear elliptic problem (⋆), then all solutions of (⋆) are radially symmetric and their total set is U 0 ∪ {U γ,q,λ : γ ∈ (0, ∞)}. We give the precise behavior of U γ,q,λ near zero and at infinity, distinguishing between 1 < q < q N,θ and q > max{q N,θ , 1}, where q N,θ = (N +2θ+2)/(N −2).In addition, for θ ≤ −2 we settle the structure of the set of all positive solutions of (⋆) in Ω \ {0}, subject to u| ∂Ω = 0, where Ω is a smooth bounded domain containing zero, complementing the works of Cîrstea (Mem.