Let M be an open (complete and non-compact) manifold with Ric ≥ 0 and escape rate not 1/2. It is known that under these conditions, the fundamental group π1(M ) has a finitely generated torsion-free nilpotent subgroup N of finite index, as long as π1(M ) is an infinite group. We show that the nilpotency step of N must be reflected in the asymptotic geometry of the universal cover M , in terms of the Hausdorff dimension of an isometric Rorbit: there exist an asymptotic cone (Y, y) of M and a closed R-subgroup L of the isometry group of Y such that its orbit Ly has Hausdorff dimension at least the nilpotency step of N . This resolves a question raised by Wei and the author (see [24, Remark 1.7] and [23, Conjecture 0.2]) and extends previous results on virtual abelianness by the author [21,22,23].