We have performed a quantum mechanic calculation (including solving the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations to obtain the spatial wave functions, and diagonalizing the spin-dependent Hamiltonian in the spin-space to obtain the total spin state) together with an analytical analysis based on a classical model. Then, according to the relative orientations of the spins S A , S B and S C of the three species, the spin-textures of the ground state can be classified into two types. In Type-I the three spins are either parallel or anti-parallel to each others, while in Type-II they point to different directions but remain to be coplanar. Moreover, according to the magnitudes of S A , S B and S C the spin-textures can be further classified into four kinds, namely, p+p+p (all atoms of each species are in singlet-pairs), one species in f (fully polarized) and two species in q (a mixture of polarized atoms and singlet-pairs), two in f and one in q, and f + f + f . Other combinations are not allowed. The scopes of the parameters that supports a specific spin-texture have been specified. A number of spin-texture-transitions have been found. For Type-I, the critical values at which a transition takes place are given by simple analytical formulae, therefore these values can be predicted.• From the experience of 2-species BEC, the spin-textures are seriously affected by the compactness of the spatial wave functions (i.e., ϕ 4 A dr and ϕ 4 B dr) and the overlap (i.e., ϕ 2 A ϕ 2 B dr). For 3-species BEC, ϕ 4 J dr (J = A, B,C) and ϕ 2 J ϕ 2 J ′ dr are believed to be also important. Therefore, we solve the coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations (CGP) under the Thomas-Fermi approximation (TFA) to obtain the spatial wave functions. It is well known that the TFA cannot correctly describe the tails of the wave functions. However, when the particle numbers are huge, the gross feature given by the TFA is good. Since only the gross feature is concerned, the TFA is acceptable.• Let S J be the total spin of the J-species. When the singlet-pairing force has been neglected, the three {S J } together with the total spin S of the mixture are good quantum numbers is the total spin-states Ξ. Ξ is obtained via a diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in the spin-space. In order to extract physical features from Ξ, in addition to the good quantum numbers, the averaged anglesθ JJ ′ between S J and S J ′ have also been calculated. Thereby various types of spin-textures specified by {S J } and {θ JJ ′ } can be identified. and the transitions among them are found.• In addition to the above quantum mechanic (QM) calculation, a corresponding classical model has been proposed and solved analytically. The results from the model are checked via a comparison with those from QM calculation. This model helps greatly to understand the complicated 3-species spin-textures
Hamiltonian and the ground stateWe consider that the condensate is a mixture of three kinds of spin-1 atoms with particle numbers N J (J = A, B or C), and they are trapped by isotropic and harmonic potenti...