, I include some considerations on the subject.1. Concomitant to the use of negative pressure therapy (simple handling and easy acquisition2) with elastic strips1, similar to that proposed by other groups3-5 (partial approximation of the fascia of the rectus abdominalis associated with vacuum system), can potentiate the effects of each technique, reducing the time spent to early healing and reducing stress on the edges of the wound and, so, improving the results.2. Although not being the scope of the article1, the 21 abdominal wounds could be classified into sub-groups5 in order to facilitate both the conduction of comparative measurements between the different groups (for example, healing time) and the comparison of the results for future studies (using straps or other sustention treatments) and improving the patients care6.3. As the technical knowledge based on recent number of cases described this technique as a disadvantage compared to other methods7, after the initial proposal of author8, the increase in the number of cases operated on 1, 9.10, resulted in improvement of the technical performance, and therefore the results? What were the differences and / or similarities in the results presented subsequently?4. In the literature, the aesthetic results and patients' perceptions of their scars have been measured through numerous assessment tools previously validated11, objectively or subjectively12. There is also a quantitative method described by the Dr. Petroianu group13. Once the objective and subjective measurement of the scars is essential for clinical practice (evaluating the results of studies), and facilitates communication among surgeons, enabling a comparison between studies12 (using elastic bands or not)14, witch were the criteria used in evaluation of the results of the study (described as "excellent") and perceptions of patients (shown as "all happy")?
Rafael DenadaiFaculty of Medicine, University of Marilia, SP, Brazil email: @ hotmail.com silva.rdpr