The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) is a large
scientific facility whose main aim is to support multidisciplinary
research on material characterization using neutron
scattering. Twenty neutron spectrometers will be built as
multidisciplinary platforms for scientific research by national
institutions, universities, and industry. Scintillator neutron
detectors for the spectrometers under construction have recently
been developed using silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for the
readout. This paper studies the characteristics of three candidate
SiPMs, including the breakdown voltage, gain, temperature
coefficient, dark count rate, and radiation tolerance. Two
measurement platforms were built to evaluate each SiPM. We summarize
the results from our analysis of laboratory tests and beam test data
to characterize the performance of the SiPMs. The MicroFJ-30035-TSV
SiPM manufactured by the SensL Corporation is chosen as the best
SiPM for the scintillator detectors at CSNS.