Disorders of bowel function are prevalent, particularly among patients with spinal cord injuries and other neurological disorders. An individual's bowel control significantly impacts quality of life, as predictable bowel function is necessary to actively and independently participate in everyday activities. For many patients with bowel dysfunction, initial lifestyle adjustments and other conservative therapeutic interventions (eg, digital stimulation, oral laxatives, suppositories) are insufficient to reestablish regular bowel function. In addition to these options, rectal irrigation (RI) is a safe and effective method of standard bowel care that has been used for several decades in adults and children suffering from bowel dysfunction associated with neurogenic or functional bowel etiologies. Rectal irrigation is an appropriate option when conservative bowel treatments are inadequate. Unlike surgical options, RI can be initiated or discontinued at any time. This report summarizes the clinical, humanistic, and economic evidence supporting the use of RI in clinical practice, noting features (eg, practical considerations, patient education) that can improve patients' success with RI treatment.