Abstrak - Di Era Industri 4.0 persaingan perusahaan buat memperebutkan posisi teratas semakin ketat memakai didasari sang arus globalisasi terus berjalan. mekanisme SAW ini membuat nilai bobot buat tiap atribut, lalu berlanjut proses ranking yg akan menyeleksi nama terbaik berasal sejumlah nama lain, nama yg dimaksud ialah, dapat peningkatan pangkat sesuai Criteria- Criteria yg dipengaruhi. Mekanisme Penelitian yg digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan Pengumpulan Keluaran, alat Bantu, mekanisme pelaksanaan, Langkah prosedur Simple Additive Weighting, Criteria, Bobot Criteria, Jenis Criteria serta Sub Criteria. buat Criteria pada penelitian ini, menggunakan jenis benefit. pada bab yang akan terjadi dan pembahasan, peneliti melakukan Diagram Konteks, Entity Relationship Diagram, Tampilan utama Sistem hingga tampilan nilai preferensi atau hasil akhir perhitungan mekanisme simple additive weighting. Akhir nilai preferensi berhak menerima peningkatan pangkat di PT ZXY, yaitu alternatf no.5 dengan kode A5 mendapatkan nilai tertinggi. PT ZXY bisa terbantu dengan aplikasi tersebut, sehingga karyawan yang menerima peningkatan pangkat dirasa sudah layak mendapatkannya. prosedur SAW sangat mempermudah atau memperlancar dalam pemilihan, hasil akhir mekanisme SAW mancari nilai tertinggi dari tiap alternatif serta hasil tertinggi asal penelitian ini ialah berupa 82,5 yang dimiliki oleh kode A5.Kata kunci: SAW, Peningkatan, Pangkat, Karyawan, Aplikasi Abstract - In the Industrial Age 4.0, company competition to fight for the top position is getting tighter and based on the ongoing flow of globalization. This SAW mechanism creates a weight value for each attribute, then continues the ranking process which will select the best name from a number of other names, the name in question is, can be promoted according to the Criterias that are affected. The research mechanism used in this study is output collection, tools, implementation mechanisms, simple additive weighting procedure steps, Criterias, Criteria weights, Criteria types, and sub-Criterias. create Criterias in this study, using the type of benefit. in the chapter that will occur and the discussion, the researcher does a Context Diagram, Entity Relationship Diagram, and System main display to display preference values or the final result of calculating the simple additive weighting mechanism. Finally, the preference value is entitled to receive a promotion at PT ZXY, namely alternative no. 5 with code A5 getting the highest score. PT ZXY can be helped by this application, so employees who receive promotions feel they deserve it. the SAW procedure greatly facilitates or expedites the selection, the final result of the SAW mechanism is looking for the highest value of each alternative and the highest result from this research is 82.5 which is owned by code A5.Keywords: SAW, Enhancement, Position, Employee, Application