Law Number 23 of 2014 encourages innovation in the administration of the Regional Government to improve performance and public services towards community welfare. The development of Regional Innovation in Magelang City involves the Government, the Community, Local Government Organizations (OPD), and Higher Education. The Regional Development Planning Agency of Magelang City (BAPPEDA) strives to facilitate innovation development from both the community and OPD. However, several issues have been encountered, such as (1) Less (2) Conventional optimal management of spatial data, (3) Difficulty in accessing research data due to a challenging database, (4) scattered government innovation data within each OPD, and (5) the Department of Investment and Integrated One-Stop Services (DPMPTSP), as the research permit agency, has not followed up on the research implementation process. To address these issues, a study focused on information strategic planning IS/IT using the Ward and Peppard Framework as a planning strategy for managing research and innovation data in Magelang City. The research revealed that using Value Chain Analysis identified primary and support activities. Additionally, Fishbone Analysis highlighted factors underlying the importance of information strategic planning IS/IT in the Machine, Measurement, and Method categories. The study’s outcome includes a recommendation to utilize Pieces Analysis.