Objective: Analysis of a brain Resting State fMRI and psychiatric assessment after fellowcraft passing degree freemasonry ceremony in a young Mexican female.Methodology: A hermetic Freemasonry rite ceremony was performed in Alpha and Omega lodge temple number 33. Neuropsychological assessment and Brain fMRI were made 3 hours after ceremony on November 29, 2020 in Mexico City. Tree and human figure drawings, sentences completion test (59 questions), big five personality traits (16 sentences) surveys were used for psychiatry assessment.Results: fMRI findings: Frontal lobes are activated in the two lobes symmetrically predominantly with a slight of the left side. There is activity both temporal lobes predominantly left. Activity in primary and secondary visual areas also. In parietal lobes is low and symmetry activity. Corpus callosum present cortical bilateral activity and in deep left nucleus predominantly. Cerebellum presents low Activity in anterior of corpus callosum (beak or rostrum). No activity was found in the following areas: Gyrus cingula, limbic lobe, epithalamus, thalamus, hypothalamus, midbrain, pons and brain stem. Psychiatric assessment: drawings, incomplete sentences and big five personality traits include surveys as clinical assessments depicted improving an emotional and behavior response, improving generalized anxiety disorder.Conclusions: Brain activities are more organized and present symmetry activation in frontal temporal and parietal lobes because there is a better thought organization due to the presence of symmetry non see in the entered apprentice degree fMRI findings. Resting state results are very objective in their description but not in their interpretation and it is convenient to consider the results of the evaluation by the neuroradiologist. After 2 nd fellowcraft passing degree ceremony we observe remarkable courage, challenge and low fear behavior by psychological surveys and drawing tests. Ppsychiatric assessment shows an improvement in the personality of the neuropsychological evaluation. We will have to wait for the results of the third ceremony (Master Mason degree) for a global conclusion.