Hole 612Site 612 is on the middle part of the New Jersey continental slope in 1404 m water depth. The surface of the continental slope in this region is characterized by a complex series of submarine canyons and associated smaller channels whose axes trend southeastward downslope. Site 612 is located in one of the smaller channels, which is subsidiary to Carteret Canyon (see Figure and Objectives chapter, this volume). The northwestern edge of a broad (-10 km maximum width) seafloor outcrop belt of middle Eocene strata is approximately 2 km southeast of Site 612. Site 612 is positioned approximately 0.7 km northwest of the intersection of U.S.G.S. multichannel seismic Lines 25 and 34. The COST B.-3 well is 10 km north of Site 612; ASP 14 is 6 km to the west; ASP 15 is 6.4 km to the southwest.Structurally, Site 612 occupies the crest of a gently dipping anticline. The arching of this structure appears to be related to differential compaction and faulting of sedimentary beds deposited in front of and behind a buried Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous shelf-edge reef . The arched geometry has been accentuated by severe erosion, particularly of middle Eocene strata, that has significantly thinned the sedimentary sequence in the landward direction, toward the COST B-3 well projection (see Figure 5 of Background and Objectives chapter, this volume). The landward dip of strata between the COST B-3 projection and Site 612 persisted until the early Miocene, when the depositional trough beneath the COST B-3 projection was filled with terrigenous deposits. This infilling initiated a seaward dip, which has been maintained to the present.Another apparent consequence of differential compaction along Line 25 is the development of a series of normal faults, some of which display the characteristic downward-increasing throw of growth faults. A prominent system of such normal faults is manifest on Line 25 approximately 2 km southeast of Site 612, at the edge of the middle Eocene outcrop belt (see Figure 5 of Background and Objectives chapter, this volume).Mapping the top of the Cretaceous strata has shown that the post-Cretaceous structural closure beneath Site 612 is only apparent. In fact, the structural closure on the top of the Cretaceous is a few kilometers northwest of the COST B-3 well. Since no hydrocarbon accumulations other than methane gas were encountered in the B-3 well (Scholle et al., 1980), drilling at Site 612 was not considered to be geologically hazardous.The location for Site 612 was selected to provide a reasonably complete Cenozoic and Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic section in a middle continental slope setting that would link the sections drilled at the COST B-3 well and at Site 605. It also provides a western Atlantic counterpart to Site 548 on Goban Spur (upper continental slope of Ireland; Graciansky, and Site 369 off Morocco (Lancelot, Seibold, et al., 1978). The general objectives of Site 612 are the same as those of the other New Jersey margin sites (see Background and Ob...