play an essential role in the survival of the fetus.The family of the chicken RfBPs includes three wellThe crystal structure of chicken egg white riboflavinknown proteins that are the product of the same gene but binding protein, determined to a resolution of 2.5 Å, have undergone different post-translational modifications is the prototype of a family that includes other ribo- (White and Merrill, 1988). The proteins can be purified flavin-and folate-binding proteins. An unusual characfrom egg white (Rhodes et al., 1959), egg yolk (Ostrowski teristic of these molecules is their high degree of cross et al., 1962) and from the plasma of laying hens (Miller linking by disulfide bridges and, in the case of the et al., 1982a). Egg white RfBP is synthesized by the avian proteins, the presence of stretches of highly oviduct cells (Mandeles and Ducay, 1962), plasma RfBP phosphorylated polypeptide chain. The structure of is produced in the liver under estrogen control and yolk chicken egg white riboflavin-binding protein is characRfBP is the result of a proteolytic cleavage of the last terized by a ligand-binding domain and a phosphoryl-11-13 amino acids of plasma RfBP when the molecule ated motif. The ligand-binding domain has a fold that crosses the oocyte membrane (Norioka et al., 1985). The appears to be strongly conditioned by the presence three proteins have a single binding site for riboflavin of the disulfide bridges. The phosphorylated motif, with a dissociation constant of 1.3 nM in the pH range essential for vitamin uptake, is made up of two helices 6-9; removal of the vitamin from the holoprotein is found before and after the flexible phosphorylated accomplished at lower pH where the affinity for the region. The riboflavin molecule binds to the protein specific ligand is substantially reduced (Müller and van with the isoalloxazine ring stacked in between the rings Berkel, 1991