Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are ap romising class of materials form any applications, due to their high chemical tunability and superb porosity.B yg rowing MOFs as (thin-)films, additional properties and potentiala pplications become available. Here, copper( II) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate (Cu-BTC) metal-organic framework (MOF) thin-films are reported, which were synthesized by spin-coating, resulting in "nanowebs", that is, fiber-like structures. These surface-mounted MOFs (SURMOFs) were studied by using photoinduced force microscopy (PiFM) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS). The optimal concentration of precursors (10 mm)w as determined that resulted in chemically homogeneous, pure nanowebs. Furthermore, the morphology and (un)coordinated Cu sites in the web were tuned by varyingt he rotation speed of the spin-coating process. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that ro-tation speeds ! 2000 rpm (with precursors in aw ater/ethanol solution) generatet he catena-triaqua-m-(1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate)-copper(II), or Cu(BTC)(H 2 O) 3 coordinationp olymer.X -ray photoelectrons pectroscopy (XPS) highlighted the strongd ecrease in number of (defective) Cu + sites, as the nanowebs mainly consist of coordinated Cu 2 + Lewis acid sites (LAS) and organic linker-linker,f or example, hydrogenbonding, interactions. Finally, the Lewis-acidic character of the Cu sites is illustrated by testing the films as catalysts in the isomerization of a-pineneo xide. The highern umber of LAS (! 3000 rpm), result in higher campholenic aldehyde selectivity reachingu pt o87.7 %. Furthermore, the strength of ac ombined micro-and spectroscopica pproach in understandingt he nature of MOF thin-films in as patially resolved manner is highlighted.[a] L.