A-6001-400.2 (09194) UEF256 ...
v1uWHC-SP-1097, Rev. 2 LEP FY 1997 Work Plan (WBS 1.2.2)
TECHNICAL BASELINEThe technical baseline describes the work to be performed and the technical standards that govern the work. The technical baseline for cleaning up the Hanford Site is contained in the Hanford Site Technical Baseline (HSTEi) database. The site cleanup is very large and complex, and the HSTB is still being developed. A systems engineering process is being used to define the technical baseline, as described in Site S's!ems Engineering Systems Engineering Managemen! Plan (Grygiel 1996). A printout of the contents of the HSTB for the Liquid Effluents Program is provided in Appendix A.
PROGRAM MISSIONThe Hanford Site cleanup mission is to:Protect the heal!h and safe@ of the public, workers, and !he environment; control hazardous materials; and u!ili.ze land for other missions,The cleanup mission will be complete when health and safety hazards have been reduced to, or maintained at, acceptable levels; hazards have been converted to safe, stable forms; existing materials, facilities, and waste inventories have been dispositioned or maintained; land has been restored to enable future uses; and only post-closure monitoring activities continue.The HanfordMission Direction Documen! (DOE-RL 1996) defines the scope, requirements, and interfaces for the cleanup mission. It specifies what must be accomplished when, and provides a framework for the contractors to determine how to accomplish the mission. Cleanup goals are identified for each category of waste and legacy material in each major geographic area, as applicable. These cleanup goals guide the development of interim and final endpoint targets. An interim target is a feasible, positive action that assures progress toward the final objective(s). A final endpoint target is the overall long-term desired outcome or solution to a problem. In addition, certain surveillance, maintenance, and support activities are needed to ensure the health and safety of the public and site personnel, and to protect the environment. These essential safety operations must occur even should a decision be made to discontinue all cleanup activities. Safety objectives are identified for the m i n i u m essential safety operations.Project Hanford is the organizational vehicle developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Richland Operations Office (RL) for accomplishing the site cleanup work. The Project Hanford Management Contractor (PHMC) will be responsible for planning, integrating, managing, and executing the programs, projects, operations, and other activities at the Hanford Site as described in the Project HanfordManagemen! Contractor Request for Proposals, DE-RP06-96RL13200. The PHMC will primarily manage the work and be responsible for planning and integration. The remaining work was divided into projects and will be performed by major subcontractors Performance objectives and measures are identified to reward those results which positively im...