Introduction: Hypertensive crisis is one of the main complications of systemic arterial hypertension, which is defined as severe elevation of blood pressure, with figures of more than 220/130 mmHg, these in turn are divided into urgency and emergency, which occurs when there is damage to a target organ. According to the literature, the majority of hypertensive crises that occur are of an urgency type, reported in up to 80% of cases, the latter do not require a rapid decrease in blood pressure, taking up to 72 hours to control them, so they must be treated in a first-level care unit, however, a high number of referrals to the emergency department for hypertensive crisis of an urgency type have been detected, which have no justification for their referral.
Primary objective:To determine the frequency of unjustified referrals of adult patients with hypertensive crisis to the emergency department of a second-level hospital.