For more than forty years virtually all work on the theory of type Ia Supernovae (SN Ia) has assumed that these explosions were due to the transfer of mass to a degenerate star from a partner in a binary system. In these binary models, when the mass of one partner closely approaches the Chandrasekhar maximum for a stable degenerate system, fusion can be initiated and the star explodes. However, a number of long-standing nagging problems and the inability of any specific binary model to fit any significant fraction of SN Ia events suggest that fusion could instead be triggered by a phase transition in a sub-Chandrasekhar white dwarf star. It is possible that remarkable host galaxy effects not considered in previous work on phase transition models could point to a specific source of the supernova trigger. Performing a least χ 2 fit to the delay time distribution to fix parameters, we give predictions from the susy phase transition model for the host galaxy effects. In addition we discuss a susy insight into the Phillips relation which is basic to the cosmological importance of the type Ia supernovae.