Precise comparisons of the fundamental properties of matterantimatter conjugates provide sensitive tests of charge-parity-time (CPT) invariance 1 , which is an important symmetry that rests on basic assumptions of the standard model of particle physics. Experiments on mesons 2 , leptons 3,4 and baryons 5,6 have compared different properties of matter-antimatter conjugates with fractional uncertainties at the parts-per-billion level or better. One specific quantity, however, has so far only been known to a fractional uncertainty at the parts-per-million level 7,8 : the magnetic moment of the antiproton, μ p . The extraordinary difficulty in measuring μ p with high precision is caused by its intrinsic smallness; for example, it is 660 times smaller than the magnetic moment of the positron 3 . Here we report a high-precision measurement of μ p in units of the nuclear magneton μ N with a fractional precision of 1.5 parts per billion (68% confidence level). We use a two-particle spectroscopy method in an advanced cryogenic multi-Penning trap system. Our result μ p = −2.7928473441(42)μ N (where the number in parentheses represents the 68% confidence interval on the last digits of the value) improves the precision of the previous best μ p measurement 8 by a factor of approximately 350. The measured value is consistent with the proton magnetic moment 9 , μ p = 2.792847350(9)μ N , and is in agreement with CPT invariance. Consequently, this measurement constrains the magnitude of certain CPT-violating effects 10 to below 1.8 × 10 −24 gigaelectronvolts, and a possible splitting of the protonantiproton magnetic moments by CPT-odd dimension-five interactions to below 6 × 10 −12 Bohr magnetons 11 .Within the physics programme at the Antiproton Decelerator of CERN, the properties of protons and antiprotons 5,6 , antiprotons and electrons 12 , and hydrogen 13 and antihydrogen 14,15 are compared with high precision. Such experiments, including those described here, provide stringent tests of CPT invariance. Our presented antiproton magnetic moment measurement reaches a fractional precision of 1.5 parts per billion (p.p.b.) at 68% confidence level, enabled by our new measurement scheme. Compared to the double-Penning trap technique 16 used in the measurement of the proton magnetic moment 9 , this new method eliminates the need for cyclotron cooling in each measurement cycle and increases the sampling rate.Our technique uses a hot cyclotron antiproton for measurements of the cyclotron frequency ν c , and a cold Larmor antiproton to determine the Larmor frequency ν L . By evaluating the ratio of the frequencies measured in the same magnetic field, the magnetic moment of the antiproton (in units of the nuclear magneton, the g-factor) ν ν μ μN is obtained. With this new technique we have improved the precision of the previous best antiproton magnetic moment measurement 8 by a factor of approximately 350 (Fig. 1a).Our experiment 17 is located in the Antiproton Decelerator facility, which provides bunches of 30 million antiprotons at a...