“…Einstein (Investigations on the theory of Brownian movement, 1926) obtained the following theoretical relation for the viscosity of identical non-interacting rigid spherical particle suspensions at low particle volume fractions: Whole cells bacterial 0.5-5.0 (Agerkvist and Enfors, 1990;Bowden, 1985;Harrison, 1991;Hayashi et al, 2001b;Kula et al, 1990) 1,080-1,120 (Erbeldinger et al, 1998;Wong et al, 1997b) 3.0-5.0 (Hayashi et al, 2001a,b Bowden, 1985;Harrison, 1991;Kula et al, 1990;Siddiqi et al, 1996) $1,040 (Lipschutz et al, 2000;Nikolai and Hu, 1992) - Agerkvist and Enfors, 1990;Bowden, 1985;Kula et al, 1990;Wong et al, 1997a;Wong et al, 1997b) 1,061-1,090 (Wong et al, 1997b) $2.8 (Wangsa-Wirawan et al, 2001b)* Yeast 0.05-8.0 (Kula et al, 1990;Siddiqi et al, 1996) --Inclusion bodies 0.05-1.2 (Taylor et al, 1986;…”