Purpose: The assessment of fetal biometry using ultrasound provides accurate pregnancy dating and also screening of fetal growth. Fetal biometry, which is common practice in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, is fetal morphometry, which involves taking measurements of the different anatomical body parts. These fetal dimensions vary on ethnicity. The aim of this study is to demonstrate fetal biometric parameters measurement results of the Central Anatolia Turkish population with detailed percentile tables and graphs to screen fetal growth more accurately.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on a total of 1132 fetuses (47% girl, and 53% boy) between 15 and 40 weeks of gestation. Biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), and femur length (FL) measurements are performed in a standardized manner every gestational week. BPD and HC were measured at the level of the thalami on the horizontal plane of the fetal head. HC was measured using the ellipse method. AC measurement was taken at the circular cross-section of the upper fetal abdomen. FL was measured along with the ossified diaphysis of the femur. All measurements were taken in millimeters.Results: Pregnant women's mean age was 27.58 , and the mean body mass index was 27.68 (15.06-50.78) as demographic data. 38.13% of women had their first, 29.74% had their second, and 32.13% had three or more gestations within our study. Percentile data of fetuses for each parameter (BPD, HC, AC, and FL) and for each week were shown as tables and percentile graphics. Fetal 50th percentile measurements were compared between our study and other studies from different countries. The Kruskal-Wallis test results showed that BPD (p = 0.827), HC (p = 0.808), AC (p = 0.846), and FL (p = 0.725) values have a statistically similar mean in all studies. Hierarchical cluster analysis results showed that our results for BPD, HC, AC, and FL percentile curves have been found closer to Italian population results. However, our results were statistically different from Asian, Nigerian, non-Hispanic American, and Brazilian populations for each of the different parameters.
Conclusion:The specialization of fetal biometric charts for a particular population can ensure a more accurate assessment of fetal growth rate. We showed fetal biometric percentile tables and graphics of the Central Anatolian Turkish population in this study. These results may provide a valuable contribution to obstetrical practice. Further studies can be conducted in different regions of Turkiye, thus comparisons could be possible over the country.