23Many natural examples of complex joint and vein networks in layered sedimentary rocks are 1 hydro-fractures that form by a combination of pore fluid overpressure and tectonic stresses. In 2 this paper, a two-dimensional hybrid hydro-mechanical formulation is proposed to model the Darcy based pore-pressure diffusion as continuum description for the fluid. This combination 6 yields a porosity controlled coupling between an evolving fracture network and the associated 7 hydraulic field. The model is tested on some basic cases of hydro-driven fracturing commonly 8 found in nature i.e., fracturing due to local fluid overpressure in rocks subjected to hydrostatic 9 and nonhydrostatic tectonic loadings. In our models we find that seepage forces created by 10 hydraulic pressure gradients together with poroelastic feedback upon discrete fracturing play a 11 significant role in subsurface rock deformation. These forces manipulate the growth and [Fyfe et al., 1978]. A number of fluid expansion mechanisms e.g., The mechanism of hydrofracturing has great implications in the interpretation of field 21 observations and for the prediction of natural or industrial problems in a broad range of research 22 disciplines. After pioneering work of [Hubbert and Willis, 1957;Hubbert and Rubey, 1959] 23 which explored pore fluid pressure as an important factor for small scale hydrofracturing in 1 tectonic processes, significant efforts have been made in the development of theoretical 2 fundamentals [Biot et al., 1986; J M Cleary and Illinois State Geological Survey., 1958; 3 Daneshy, 1973;Secor, 1965;Valkó and Economides, 1995]. Apart from theoretical aspects, a 4 significant amount of analytical and numerical solutions have also been put forward by many 5 investigators to address this coupled process in a qualitative and quantitative manner [M P 6 Cleary and Wong, 1985;Flekkøy et al., 2002;Gordeyev and Zazovsky, 1992;Meyer, 1986; 7 Tzschichholz et al., 1994;Yu.N, 1993].
15Some porosity controlled models [Boone and Ingraffea, 1990;Flekkøy et al., 2002; Mourgues 16 and Cobbold, 2003;Olson et al., 2009;Wangen, 2002] revealed that the potential response of 17 inherent poroelastic mechanics is an important parameter in hydro-driven rock failure, where the 18 seepage forces caused by pore pressure gradients [Engelder and Lacazette, 1990;Rozhko, 2010; 19 Rozhko et al., 2007] in porous rocks affect the driving stress for fracture initiation and growth.
20Regardless of the underlying driving agent hydrofracturing is a complex process which 21 incorporates the dynamic coupling of at least three sub-processes [Adachi et al., 2007]; 1)
22Restructuring of rock skeleton upon elastic/in-elastic strain. 2) Corresponding alteration of both 23