We numerically investigate the behavior of driven noncohesive granular media and find that two fixed large intruder particles, immersed in a sea of small particles, experience, in addition to a short-range depletion force, a long-range repulsive force. The observed long-range interaction is fluctuation-induced and we propose a mechanism similar to the Casimir effect that generates it: The hydrodynamic fluctuations are geometrically confined between the intruders, producing an unbalanced renormalized pressure. An estimation based on computing the possible Fourier modes explains the repulsive force and is in qualitative agreement with the simulations. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.178001 PACS numbers: 45.70.ÿn, 05.40.ÿa Granular materials have been extensively investigated because of their complex dynamics [1]. Examples of this include pattern formation, Faraday waves, avalanches, convection phenomena, segregation, and many more. One of the most active fields is the behavior of granular mixtures, e.g., the Brazil nut effect [2] and its multiple variations [3]. In these experiments, the granular material is composed of a mixture of two types of particles differing in mass or size. When the system is agitated, particles of different types may group together (demixing) or stay mixed [4]. Phase diagrams for the mixing or demixing transitions have been constructed for different material properties or experimental conditions. However, a fundamental question remains unanswered: Is the mixing or demixing caused by an effective long-range force between the particles? If so, which is its origin? Let us note that a long-range force is difficult to justify a priori, as grains interact only through a short-ranged hard-core potential.Recently, three experiments on driven granular mixtures [5][6][7], performed under very different experimental conditions, give a hint on how to answer the previous question. These experiments have shown that thermodynamic properties (such as pressure [5], density [6], and velocity fluctuations [7]) are different in the regions between the larger particles, versus the remaining, external, regions. Consequently, the big particles modify some physical properties in the confined area between them. The most likely reason is that the larger particles limit the allowed wave vectors of the hydrodynamic fluctuations of the small particles that surround the larger ones.Forces arising from the confinement of a fluctuation spectrum have attracted attention since the seminal work in 1948 of Casimir, who predicted the existence of an attractive force between two metal plates separated by the vacuum, due to constraints on the quantum electromagnetic field in the gap imposed by the conducting plates [8]. In fact, the concept of Casimir force is more general and is common to systems characterized by long-range fluctuations subject to a geometrical constraint which limits the long-wavelength portion of their spectrum. Soft condensed matter provides examples of Casimir forces, such as those arising in confined cri...