ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Estetika wajah menjadi perhatian dalam perawatan ortodonti karena berhubungan langsung dengan penampilan. Pasien maloklusi kelas II divisi 1 mempunyai wajah cembung dan sering kali mengganggu estetik wajah. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui perbedaan fotometri frontal metode Proffit dan fotometri profil metode Steiner pasien maloklusi skeletal kelas II divisi 1 sebelum dan setelah perawatan ortodonti kompromi. Metode: Penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis komparatif. Populasi sampel ditentukan secara purposive sampling terhadap pasien perawatan ortodonti kompromi maloklusi kelas II divisi 1 yang dirawat di klinik PPDGS Ortodonti RSGM Unpad tahun 2016-2021, sejumlah 11 pasien. Uji t-test berpasangan digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan fotometri frontal metode Proffit dan fotometri profil metode Steiner pasien maloklusi skeletal kelas II divisi 1 sebelum dan setelah perawatan ortodonti kompromi. (p – value < 0,05). Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada tinggi wajah sepertiga bagian bawah (p-value 0,0023 < 0,05) dan posisi bibir atas terhadap S-line (p-value 0,0014 < 0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada tinggi wajah sepertiga bagian atas, proporsi wajah dari helixsrt – exochantion (exrt), proporsi wajah dari exochantion (exrt) – endochantion (enrt), proporsi wajah dari endochantion (enrt) – endochantion (enlt), proporsi wajah dari endochantion (enlt) – exochantion (exlt), proporsi wajah dari exochantion (exlt) – helixslt, posisi bibir bawah terhadap S-line (p-value > 0,05). Simpulan: Perawatan ortodonti kompromi maloklusi kelas II divisi I dengan pencabutan dua premolar rahang atas menghasilkan perubahan profil jaringan lunak pada sepertiga wajah bagian bawah dan posisi bibir bawah terhadap S-line, berdasarkan analisis fotometri frontal metode Proffit dan fotometri profil metode Steiner.KATA KUNCI: maloklusi skeletal kelas II divisi 1, perawatan kompromi, analisis Proffit, dan Steiner.Differences of frontal photometries and face profiles of patients before and after other ontic Treatment of compromise skeletal malocclusion class ii division 1 (Using Profit and Steiner Analysis): Study descriptiveABSTRACT Introduction: Facial aesthetics is a concern in orthodontic treatment because it is directly related to appearance. Class II division 1 malocclusion patients have convex faces and often have facial disfigurement. Objective to determine the difference between Proffit method frontal photometry and Steiner method profile photometry in patients with class II division 1 skeletal malocclusion before and after compromised orthodontic treatment. Methods: The research is descriptive comparative analytical in nature. The sample population was determined by purposive sampling of patients with orthodontic treatment for compromised class II division 1 malocclusion who were treated at the PPDGS Orthodontic clinic at RSGM Unpad in 2016-2021. The paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between Proffit method frontal photometry and Steiner method profile photometry in patients with class II division 1 skeletal malocclusion before and after compromised orthodontic treatment. (p – value < 0.05). Results: There were significant differences in the height of the lower third of the face (p-value 0.0023 < 0.05), the position of the upper lip towards the S-line (p-value 0.0014 < 0.05). There were no significant results in the upper third of facial height, facial proportions from helixsrt – exochantion (exrt), facial proportions from exochantion (exrt) – endochantion (enrt), facial proportions from endochantion (enrt) - endochantion (enlt), proportions face from endochantion (enlt) – exochantion (exlt), facial proportions from exochantion (exlt) – helixslt, position of the lower lip relative to the S-line (p-value > 0.05). Conclusion: Orthodontic treatment of compromised class II division I malocclusion by removing two maxillary premolars resulted in changes in the soft tissue profile in the lower third of the face and the position of the lower lip relative to the S-line Key words: skeletal malocclusion class II division 1, compromised treatment, Proffit, and Steiner analysis