Background: Menopause is physiological condition signed estrogen deficiency. Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Gram-negative bacteria, and the products might induce estrogen deficiency. Estrogen is a sex steroid hormone played an essential role in bone remodeling. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pg infection to menopause on the mechanical strength of the mandible and the femur. Following this study, we suggested that there were efforts to improve the health of oral, reproductive, and bones, particularly improving women's quality of life. This study was an experimental laboratory by post-test only control group design. Method: This study used female Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) divided into four groups. The groups were the control group (K), ovariectomy (OVX), Pginduced (PG), and Pg-induced ovariectomy (OPG). OVX indicated ovarian dysfunction due to physiological processes. PG indicated experimental animals infected with Pg bacteria which was suspected of causing ovarian dysfunction. OPG indicated that experimental animals infected with Pg bacteria were in a state of menopause. A three-point bending test analyzed bone strength. Result: The results showed that the average mechanical strength of the mandibular bone in the control group and the treatment group had a significant difference (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the strength of the femur bone between the control group and the PG group (p>0.05). Conclusion: Pg infection in menopause triggered a decrease in the mechanical strength of bones, especially the mandibular bone.
PENDAHULUANMenopause merupakan proses fisiologis yang terjadi pada wanita dan ditandai berakhirnya siklus menstruasi secara. Menopause pada umumnya terjadi pada wanita usia 45-55 tahun, akan tetapi bisa terjadi lebih awal (sebelum usia 45 tahun) disebut early menopause. Early menopause disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah infeksi bakteri Gram negatif. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan bahwa infeksi bakteri gram negatif Escheceria coli dan produknya (endotoxin) dapat memicu terjadinya disfungsi ovarium. E. coli dan lipopolysaccharide (LPS )memicu produksi sitokin proinflamatori, yaitu Tumor Necrotic Factor alpha (TNF-α). Sitokin ini akan menyebabkan penurunan produksi dan aktivitas hormon estrogen. 1-4 LPS merupakan endotoksin yang disekresikan oleh bakteri Gram negatif, termasuk periodontal pathogen. Walaupun LPS tiap bakteri anaerob mempunyai kekuatan virulensi yang berbeda, akan tetapi respon terhadap LPS sebagai Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns (PAMPs) terhadap Pattern recognition receptor (PRR) host adalah sama. Pg merupakan salah satu periodontal pathogen yang menjadi penyebab utama