The mandibular canal (MC) is a prominent canal within the mandible that envelops the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) , arteries, and veins. The MC is a prominent canal within the mandible encasing the IAN, artery, and vein.The mandibular foramen is the opening of the MC entering into the mandible (1 -4) . The MC is an important landmark to be considered while planning procedures, such as impacted tooth extraction, dental implant placement, bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, apical surgeries, and anesthetic procedures.Suppurative osteomyelitis of the jaw is a common maxillofacial disease, defined as a progressive inflammation of the bone and bone marrow. A prominent sign of suppurative osteomyelitis in the lower jaw is mental nerve palsy, also known as Vincent's syndrome (5,6) . During the first stages of infection, bacteria multiply by inducing inflammatory reaction, resulting in bone edema. The increased intramedullary pressure caused by edema directly compresses the inferior alveolar neurovascular bundle, causing ischemia, promoting thrombosis, and leading to dysfunction or disability of the IAN, resulting in Vincent's syndrome (5,6) . Thus, thorough assessment of the IAN affected by osteomyelitis is important.