ExtractThe mean daily urinary excretion of hydroxyproiine on the first day of life was 4.4 mg/24 h for 50 fullterm normal infants, 3.5mg/24hfor 17 full-term infants with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and 5.5 mg/24 h for 17 premature infants. The differences were not statistically significant. On the third day of life, all infants excreted significantly higher amounts of hydroxyproiine in their urine. The mean amount excreted by full-term normal infants and by premature infants was about the same, 9.9 mg/24 h and 9.6 mg/24 h, respectively, significantly more than that excreted by IUGR infants, 7.0 mg/24 h.Fifteen full-term normal infants fed a soya formula for the first week of life excreted almost the same amount of endogenous creatinine in the urine on the first, third and seventh day of life. The means in mg/24 h were 24.2, 24.3 and 22.5, respectively. The hydroxyproiine to creatinine ratio doubled on the third day of life.
SpeculationThe increase in the amount of hydroxyproiine excreted in urine during the first few days of life may prove to be of value in assessing normal and abnormal rates of perinatal growth. Measurements of the amount of hydroxyproiine in urine may provide a good index of perinatal growth, and the rapid increase in excretion soon after birth seems to indicate the initiation of a phase of rapid growth.
Introductionproline during infancy, childhood and adolescence has been defined and it has been shown that during periods The rate of urinary excretion of endogenous hydroxy-of rapid linear growth, the amount of total hydroxyproiine, both free and in peptide form, is related to the proline excreted increases [8,9,26]. There is little inmetabolic state and total mass of body collagen [2, 13, formation, however, about hydroxyproiine excretion 21]. A major part of body collagen is contained in bone, during the first few days of life. The purpose of this and the rate of turnover of collagen in bone exceeds study was to establish for the normal full-term infants that in other tissues [19]. It has been assumed, there-the hydroxyproiine excretion in urine during the first fore, that urinary excretion of hydroxyproiine mainly three days of life and to compare these values with those reflects the rate of metabolism of collagen in bone [5, found in patients with intrauterine growth retardation 7,10,11,18]. The normal range of urinary hydroxy-(IUGR) and in premature infants.