Haseler LJ, Lin A, Hoff J, Richardson RS. Oxygen availability and PCr recovery rate in untrained human calf muscle: evidence of metabolic limitation in normoxia. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 293: R2046-R2051, 2007. First published August 22, 2007; doi:10.1152/ajpregu.00039.2007.-In contrast to their exercisetrained counterparts, the maximal oxidative rate of skeletal muscle in sedentary humans appears not to benefit from supplemental O 2 availability but is impacted by severe hypoxia, suggesting a metabolic limitation either at or below ambient O2 levels. However, the critical level of O2 availability at which maximal metabolic rate is reduced in sedentary humans is unknown. Using 31 P magnetic resonance spectroscopy and arterial oximetry, phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery kinetics and arterial oxygenation were assessed in six sedentary subjects performing 5-min bouts of plantar flexion exercise followed by 6 min of recovery. Each trial was repeated while breathing one of four different fractions of inspired O2 (FIO 2 ) (0.10, 0.12, 0.15, and 0.21). The PCr recovery rate constant (a marker of oxidative capacity) was unaffected by reductions in FI O 2 , remaining at a value of 1.5 Ϯ 0.2 min Ϫ1 until arterial O2 saturation (Sa O 2 ) fell to less than ϳ92%, the average value reached breathing an FI O 2 of 0.15. Below this SaO 2 , the PCr rate constant fell significantly by 13 and 31% to 1.3 Ϯ 0.2 and 1.0 Ϯ 0.2 min Ϫ1 (P Ͻ 0.05) as SaO 2 was reduced to 82 Ϯ 3 and 77 Ϯ 2%, respectively. In conclusion, this study has revealed that O 2 availability does not impact maximal oxidative rate in sedentary humans until the O 2 level falls well below that of ambient air, indicating a metabolic limitation in normoxia. oxidative capacity; 31 P-magnetic resonance spectroscopy; exercise THE REDUCED OXYGEN AVAILABILITY of severe hypoxia uniformly attenuates human maximal oxidative metabolic rate; however, limitations to maximal oxidative rate in normoxia and the impact of moderate hypoxia appear to be dependent on the exercise training status of the population studied (5,16,24). The clear dependence between O 2 supply and skeletal muscle maximal oxidative rate assessed during maximal exercise in trained human muscle has been previously recognized (24). In fact, these in vivo studies revealed that under hyperoxic conditions the maximal metabolic rate of these well-trained subjects increased beyond ambient levels, revealing O 2 supply limitation in normoxia (24). Phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery measurements, as an index of maximal oxidative rate, have provided further evidence of this O 2 supply limited maximal metabolic rate in normoxia in the muscle of exercise-trained humans but have failed to identify the level of O 2 availability that creates an O 2 surplus as this appears to fall beyond that achieved by delivering 100% O 2 (9). While a similar hyperoxic approach failed to alter the metabolic rate in the untrained muscle (Fig. 1), a unifying result is observed in both trained and untrained human skeletal muscle when seve...