“…The conserved ezrin/radixin/ moesin (ERM) proteins often organize membranecytoskeletal interactions (Tsukita and Yonemura, 1999), and share a C-terminal actin-binding domain and an N-terminal FERM domain that binds membrane proteins (Mcclatchey and Fehon, 2009), also acting as scaffolding for adaptor and signaling molecules (Mcclatchey and Fehon, 2009). (Tarpey et al, 2006;Schorderet et al, 2007;Self et al, 2007;Shiels et al, 2007;Zhang B. et al, 2007;He et al, 2008a;Kaplan et al, 2008;Li et al, 2008a;Du et al, 2011;Khan et al, 2011;Thomas et al, 2011;Hu et al, 2012;Radhakrishna et al, 2012) and the novel mutation in this study within FRMD7 has been indicated (Note: for interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article)…”