“…A number of continental-scale seasonal hydrometeorological forecasting systems have begun to emerge around the globe over the past decade (Yuan et al, 2015a), using seasonal meteorological forecasts as input to hydrological models to produce forecasts of hydrological variables. These include the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS; Arnal et al, 2018;Cloke et al, 2013), the European Service for Water Indicators in Climate Change Adapta-3328 R. tion (SWICCA; Copernicus, 2018b), the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts (Bennett et al, 2017;BoM, 2018), and the USA's National Hydrologic Ensemble Forecast Service (HEFS; Demargne et al, 2014;Emerton et al, 2016). There are also various ongoing research efforts using seasonal hydro-meteorological forecasting systems for forecast applications and research purposes at regional Bennett et al, 2016;Crochemore et al, 2016;MeiĂner et al, 2017;Mo et al, 2014;Prudhomme et al, 2017;Wood et al, 2002Wood et al, , 2005Yuan et al, 2013) and global (Candogan Yossef et al, 2017;Yuan et al, 2015b) scales.…”