Early detection and segmentation of skin lesions is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment, necessary to improve the survival rate of patients. However, manual delineation is time consuming and subject to intra-and inter-observer variations among dermatologists. This underlines the need for an accurate and automatic approach to skin lesion segmentation. To tackle this issue, we propose a multi-task convolutional neural network (CNN) based, joint detection and segmentation framework, designed to initially localize the lesion and subsequently, segment it. A 'Faster region-based convolutional neural network' (Faster-RCNN) which comprises a region proposal network (RPN), is used to generate bounding boxes/region proposals, for lesion localization in each image. The proposed regions are subsequently refined using a softmax classifier and a bounding-box regressor. The refined bounding boxes are finally cropped and segmented using 'SkinNet', a modified version of U-Net. We trained and evaluated the performance of our network, using the ISBI 2017 challenge and the PH2 datasets, and compared it with the state-of-the-art, using the official test data released as part of the challenge for the former. Our approach outperformed others in terms of Dice coefficients (> 0.93), Jaccard index (> 0.88), accuracy (> 0.96) and sensitivity (> 0.95), across five-fold cross validation experiments.Recent trends indicate a growing number of skin cancer diagnoses worldwide, each year. In 2016, approximately 80,000 new cases of skin cancer were expected to be diagnosed, with 10,000 melanoma related deaths (the most aggressive form of skin cancer), in the USA alone [1]. Clinical screening and diagnosis typically involve examination by an expert dermatologist, followed by histopathological analysis of biopsies. These steps however, invariably suffer from high inter-rater and inter-center variability, and studies have shown that patient survival rates improve to over 95%, following early detection and diagnosis of melanomas. To