Allergic diseases are developed through complex interaction between exposure to environmental substances and genetic susceptibility. The prevalence of allergic diseases has increased during last decade globally. The present cross sectional study was designed to evaluate the skin prick test reactivity in children with allergic diseases. A total of 400 children between age group 1-12 years were recruited. The Skin prick tests (SPT) using 14 standardized allergen extracts were conducted in the volar surface of forearm. Majority children had asthma (52.5%), followed by atopic dermatitis (22.75%) and allergic rhinitis (15.75%). Food habits triggering allergic conditions in 76% children, environmental factors in 4.75% children, pets in 8.25% and indoor conditions in 11% children. Skin prick test was positive to egg (13.5%), milk (22%), wheat (9.75%), apple (4.5%), cereals (6.5%), cat (18%), dog (6%), blatella (9.5%), aspergillus fumigatus (9.5%), fungi (12.75%), Dermatophytes farina (24.75%), Dermatophytes pteromyssinus (23.75%), Blomia tropicalis (9.5%) and Bermuda grass (13.75%). Determination of allergen sensitization patterns in children with atopic disease is crucial for selecting proper preventive and therapeutic strategies which helps to improve quality of life of in children.