Objective: Demodex folliculorum and D. brevis are acari that can be found in hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the skin, especially on face of human. This study was aimed to reveal prevalance of Demodex species in faculty of health science students. Methods: Skin surface biopsy was performed in subjects who completed socio-demographic questionnaire. The samples were examined under a microscope for demodex species. Results: In this study, at least one species of demodex was found to be positive in 47.4% of 270 students. Coexistence of D. folliculorum and D. brevis was observed in most of the subjects (50.8%). In all positive cases, the presence of only Demodex folliculorum or brevis was found in 29.7% and 19.5% respectively. There was no relationship between variables and demodex prevalence. Conclusion: This study showed that demodex species infestation is a common but an ignored health problem in faculty of health science students.
GirişBiyolojik sınıflandırma sistemine göre Demodeks soyu; Arachnida sınıfı, Prostigmata takımı ve Demodicidae ailesinde yer alır 1,2 . Bu soya ait Demodeks follikulorum ve D. brevis olmak üzere iki türün, insanlarda parazitik yaşam sürdüğü bilinmektedir 3 . Zorunlu parazit olan bu türler, kıl folikülleri ve derinin yağ salgılayan bezlerinde bulunur 4 . Özellikle alın ve burun bölgelerinde, ayrıca kirpik, kulak ve genital bölgelerde, omuz başı, ön kol gibi yağlı ve kıl kökü barındıran vücut bölgelerinde yerleşir 3,[5][6][7] . İnsandan insana yakın temas, tokalaşma ve öpüşme ile bulaştığı bildirilmiştir 3,7,8 .