In topology optimization of structures, materials and mechanisms, parametrization of geometry is often performed by a grey-scale density-like interpolation function. In this paper we analyze and compare the various approaches to this concept in the light of variational bounds on effective properties of composite materials. This allows us to derive simple necessary conditions for the possible realization of grey-scale via composites, leading to a physical interpretation of all feasible designs as well as the optimal design. Thus it is shown that the socalled arti®cial interpolation model in many circumstances actually falls within the framework of microstructurally based models. Single material and multi-material structural design in elasticity as well as in multi-physics problems is discussed.
IntroductionThe area of computational variable-topology shape design of continuum structures is presently dominated by methods which employ a material distribution approach for a ®xed reference domain in the spirit of the so-called`homogenization method' for topology design, [1]. That is, the geometric representation of a structure is similar to a grey-scale rendering of an image, in discrete form corresponding to a raster representation of the geometry. This concept has proven very powerful, but it does involve a number of dif®culties. One is the issue of existence of solutions, another the issue of solution method. Here, the notion of physical models for grey' material is of great importance, and it is these interpolation schemes and their relation to characterizations of composite materials which are the themes in the following.In many applications, the optimal topology of a structure should consist solely of a macroscopic variation of one material and void, meaning that the density of the structure is given by a``0±1'' integer parametrization (often called a black-and-white design). Unfortunately, this class of optimal design problems is ill-posed in that, for example, nonconvergent, minimizing sequences of admissible designs with ®ner and ®ner geometrical details can be found, see [2,3]. Existence of black-and-white solutions can be achieved by con®ning the solution space to limit the complexity of the admissible designs, making the designs dependent on the choice of parameters in the geometrical constraint. Such a restriction of the design space can be accomplished in a number of ways, e.g. by enforcing an upper bound on the perimeter of the