We investigate three-form gauge theories with higher derivative interactions and their supersymmetric extensions in four space-time dimensions. For the bosonic three-form gauge theories, we show that derivatives on the field strength of the 3-form gauge field yield a tachyon as far as the Lagrangian contains a quadratic kinetic term, while such the term with opposite sign gives rise to a ghost. We confirm that there is neither a tachyon nor a ghost when all higher derivative terms are given by functions of the field strength. For this ghost/tachyon-free Lagrangian, we determine the boundary term necessary for the consistency between the equation of motion and energy-momentum tensor. For supersymmetric extensions, we present ghost/tachyon-free higher derivative interactions of arbitrary order of the field strength and corresponding boundary terms as well. * nitta@phys-h.keio.ac.jp † ryokokur@keio.jp 1 Introduction 3-form gauge theories in four-dimensional (4D) spacetime have been studied extensively in the past decades. They were first considered in the context of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) to describe a long-range confinement force between quarks [1,2]. Furthermore, a 3-form gauge field can be regarded to provide an effective description of a Chern-Simons 3-form in Yang-Mills theories [2,3], in particular in the context of the U(1) problem [4,5] and the strong CP problem [6][7][8]. In cosmology, a 3-form gauge field was used for dynamical neutralization of the cosmological constant [9-16], quintessence [17], inflationary models [18][19][20][21][22][23]. A relation between the 3-form gauge theories and condensed matter physics was also discussed, see e.g. [24]. A supersymmetric (SUSY) extension of the 3-form gauge fields was first formulated in Ref. [25]. The SUSY 3-form gauge fields naturally appear in superstring theory and M-theory, therefore they were studied extensively with various applications: supergravity (SUGRA) [26][27][28] (see Refs. [29,30] as a review), Stückelberg coupling [31-34], topological coupling [33,35,36], coupling with a membrane [37-39], alternative formulation of old-minimal SUGRA [37, 40-42], gaugino condensation in SUSY Yang-Mills theories [43, 44], the cosmological constant problem [41], SUSY breaking [41,45], string effective theories [42,[46][47][48], and inflationary models [35,49]. Complex 3-form gauge theories were also considered in Refs. [38,39,42].One of the characterizations of p-form gauge fields is their couplings to extended objects. As 1-form and 2-form gauge fields can be electrically coupled to a particle and string, respectively in 4D spacetime, a 3-form gauge field can be electrically coupled to a membrane [1]. Since membranes and 3-form gauge fields naturally arise in string theory and M-theory as fundamental degrees of freedom, 3-form gauge fields in 4D spacetime appear as 4D compactification of these theories. Another characteristic feature of the 3form gauge field is its coupling to scalar fields. Since a field strength of the 3-form gauge field is a 4-form, the ...