We study static and transport properties of Skyrmions living within a finite spatial volume in a flat (3+1)-dimensional spacetime. In particular, we derive an explicit analytic expression for the compression modulus corresponding to these Skyrmions living within a finite box and we show that such expression can produce a reasonable value. The gauged version of these solitons can be also considered. It is possible to analyze the order of magnitude of the contributions to the electrons conductivity associated to the interactions with this Baryonic environment. The typical order of magnitude for these contributions to conductivity can be compared with the experimental values of the conductivity of layers of Baryons.analytic solution was available. Nevertheless, many numerical studies have shown that the Skyrme model provides results in good agreement with experiments.Despite the success of the model and the existence of several solutions among different contexts, the analysis of their phenomenological aspects seldom can be carried out in an analytic manner. For an analytic solution and a relevant study in compact manifolds see [16]. The gauged Skyrme model (which describes the coupling of a U (1) gauge field with the Skyrme theory) has also very important applications in the analysis of electromagnetic properties of Baryons, in the decay of nuclei in presence of defects (see [8,17,18,19,20,21] and references therein). Obviously, from the point of view of constructing analytic solutions, the U (1) gauged Skyrme model is even worse than the original Skyrme theory. Until very recently, no explicit topologically non-trivial solution was available. Thus, topological configurations of this theory have been deeply analyzed numerically (see [22,23] and references therein).Here we list three relevant problems in the applications of (gauged) Skyrme theory to high energy phenomenology which will be the focus of the present paper.1) Finite density effects and the compression modulus: Finite density effects (and, in general, the phase diagrams) in the Skyrme model have been historically a very difficult topic to analyze with analytic methods. The lack of explicit solutions with topological charge living within a finite flat box with the spherical Skyrme ansatz is the origin of the problem. Some numerical results with the use of the spherical Skyrme ansatz are presented in [24,25,26,27,28] and references therein. Due to the fact that both finite volume effects and isospin chemical potential break spherical symmetry it is extremely difficult to improve the pioneering results in [24,25,26,27,28] without changing the original Skyrme ansatz. The main problem in this group is certainly the compression modulus [33,34,35] (to be defined precisely in the next section) which, roughly speaking, has to do with the derivative of the total energy of the Skyrmions with respect to the volume. The experimental value is different from the value derived using the original spherical hedgehog ansatz. The usual way to compute the compression modulus ...