“…& duration of daytime naps. PSG: %REM, %N1, %N2, %N3, %NREM, Wakefulness, TST, Sum of awaking & arousal index, %SE, WASO, Sleep onset latency, REM onset latency | (Karki et al, 2019 ) | Sleep development | 85 (43:42) | 1 month old | Overnight home polysomnography | %REM, %NREM, Wakefulness, TST, Sum of awaking and arousal index, %SE, WASO, No. of times awake | |
(Kocevska et al, 2018 ) | Sleep patterns | 6,808 | 2 years old | Questionnaires | Bedtime, Wake time, Amount of daytime sleep, Total sleep duration | |
(Korotchikova et al, 2016 ) | Sleep development | 80 (42:38) | Within 36 hs after birth | Continuous Video-EEG | AS, QS, IS, Wakefulness, Sleep–wake cycle | |
(Korte et al, 2004 ) | Sleep development | 57 (32:25) | Birth—6 days old | Actigraph | Daytime sleep, night-time sleep, 24 h sleep | |
(Ktonas et al, 1995 ) | Sleep development | 28 2–6 weeks = 10, 7–14 weeks = 10, 16–48 weeks = 8 | 2–6, 7–14, 16–48 weeks | Whole night polysomnography | Longest phase of QS, Mean, SD, and range of the longest period of QS | |
(Lampl & Johnson, 2011 ) | Sleep and growth | 23 (9:14) | 4–17 months old | Sleep records | No. |