“…The Japanese version of the BCSQ has been con rmed for reliability and validity. 26 Three-way frequency assessments (1: rare [1 day/week or less]; 2: occasionally [2-4 days/week]; 3: almost always [5-7 days/week]) were used to evaluate four symptoms at bedtime ( [1] child falls asleep with rocking or rhythmic movements, [2] child needs special object to fall asleep [doll, special blanket, etc. ], [3] child resists going to bed at bedtime, and [4] child is afraid of sleeping in the dark), nine symptoms during sleep ( [5] child talks during sleep, [6] child is restless and moves a lot during sleep, [7] child sleepwalks during the night, [8] child grinds teeth during sleep, [9] child snores loudly, [10] child seems to stop breathing during sleep, [11] child snorts and/or gasps during sleep, [12] child awakens during the night screaming, sweating, and inconsolable, [13] child awakens alarmed by a frightening dream), ve symptoms at wake time ( [14] child wakes up in a negative mood, [15] child has di culty getting out of bed in the morning, [16] child takes a long time to become alert in the morning, [17] child wakes up very early in the morning, [18] child has a good appetite in the morning), and one symptom during the day ( [19] child suddenly falls asleep in the middle of active behavior) (see Table S1).…”