Summary:In humans there is a substantial decline in NREM electroencephalographic (EEG) slow-wave activity with advancing age. The present findings show that similar age-related EEG changes occur in the cat. Slow-wave (0.5-4.0 Hz) EEG activity during NREM sleep was compared in six young adult (2-4 years) and six aged (10-12 years) cats of either sex. Computer measures of slow-wave incidence and amplitude disclosed significant age-and gender-related differences. Although old male and female animals were of comparable age, only males showed significant EEG alterations. These consisted of an attenuation of slow-wave amplitude over posterolateral cortex and reductions in both the incidence and amplitude of slow-wave activity over sensorimotor cortex. Key Words: Aging-Among the electroencephalographic (EEG) changes commonly associated with advancing age in humans is a marked decline in the incidence and amplitude of slow-wave (0.5-3.0 Hz) activity during NREM sleep. This decline, as documented by both visual (1-6) and computer-assisted (5,7-9) EEG scoring techniques, is a consistent feature of the aging process. It begins in adolescence and continues across the lifespan, often resulting by the eighth decade in the complete loss of 0.5-3.0 Hz wave forms (4).Although it is well established that EEG slow-wave activity is attenuated in old age, the contributions of intracerebral and extracerebral factors to this process have not been well delineated. Intracerebral factors, including the loss of neuropil and dendritic ramifications, undoubtedly playa key role. However, because EEG potentials are conventionally recorded from scalp leads, extracerebral factors such as changes in brain volume, thickening of the meninges, and alterations in skull and scalp conductivity-all of which distance and insulate electrodes from the cortical surface-are also probably implicated. Unfortunately, usual methodological constraints make it difficult to assess the respective contributions of these factors to EEG changes in human subjects. However, this opportunity is afforded in animal studies where recording electrodes can be placed directly on the cortical surface.The principal aim of the present investigation was to assess the extent to which EEG spectral characteristics change as a function of age in the laboratory cat. In an earlier study