In a largely sleep-deprived society, quantifying the effects of sleep loss on emotion is critical for promoting psychological health. This preregistered systematic review and meta-analysis quantified the effects of various forms of sleep loss on multiple aspects of emotional experiences. Eligible studies used experimental reductions of sleep via total sleep deprivation, partial sleep restriction, or sleep fragmentation in healthy populations to examine effects on positive affect, negative affect, general mood disturbances, emotional reactivity, anxiety symptoms, and/or depressive symptoms. In total, 1,338 effect sizes across 154 studies were included (N = 5,717; participant age range = 7-79 years). Random effects models were conducted, and all forms of sleep loss resulted in reduced positive affect (standardized mean difference [SMD] = −0.27 to −1.14), increased anxiety symptoms (SMD = 0.57-0.63), and blunted arousal in response to emotional stimuli (SMD = −0.20 to −0.53). Findings for negative affect, reports of emotional valence in response to emotional stimuli, and depressive symptoms were mixed and depended on the type of sleep loss. Nonlinear effects for the amount of sleep loss as well as differences based on the stage of sleep restricted (i.e., rapid eye movement sleep or slow-wave sleep) were also detected. This study represents the most comprehensive quantitative synthesis of experimental sleep and emotion research to date and provides strong evidence that periods of extended wakefulness, shortened sleep duration, and/or nighttime awakenings adversely influence human emotional functioning. Findings provide an integrative foundation for future research on sleep and emotion and elucidate the precise ways that inadequate sleep may impact our daytime emotional lives.
Public Significance StatementThis study synthesizes more than 50 years of experimental research to reveal the multiple ways loss of sleep undermines human emotional functioning and increases risk for psychiatric disorders. Implications for individual and public health are considerable in a largely sleep-deprived society. Industries and sectors prone to sleep loss (e.g., first responders, pilots, truck drivers) should develop and adopt policies that prioritize sleep to mitigate against the risks to daytime function and well-being. This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.This article was published Online First December 21, 2023. Cara A. Palmer This study design and analytic plan were preregistered at https:// The data sets generated and analyzed during the present study, along with all analytic code are available at a1697dd4db722. The findings from this article have not been disseminated elsewhere. Cara A. Palmer and Joa...