This paper considers the problem of joint congestion control and scheduling in wireless networks with quality of service (QoS) guarantees. Different from per-destination queueing in the existing works, which is not scalable, this work considers per-link queueing at each node, which significantly reduces the number of queues per node. Under per-link queueing, we formulate the joint congestion control and scheduling problem as a network utility maximization (NUM) problem and use a dual decomposition method to separate the NUM problem into two sub-problems, i.e., a congestion control problem and a scheduling problem. Then, we develop a sliding mode (SM) based distributed congestion control scheme, and prove its convergence and optimality property. Different from the existing schemes, our congestion control scheme is capable of providing multi-class QoS under the general scenario of multi-path and multi-hop; in addition, it is robust against network anomalies, e.g., link failures, because it can achieve multi-path load balancing.
Index TermsSliding mode control, per-link queue, QoS, multi-path, stochastic optimization, interactive multimedia, robustness against network anomalies.