Under the influence of centrifugal force, the rollover phenomenon may occur. The vehicle rolls over when the wheel is completely separated from the road surface, i.e., the vertical force of the wheel is reduced to zero. To overcome this problem, the active stabilizer bar is used at the front and rear axles of the vehicle. The active stabilizer bar works on the difference in fluid pressure inside the hydraulic motor. This article is aimed at studying the vehicle rollover dynamics when the hydraulic stabilizer bar is used. In this article, the model of a complex dynamic is established. This is a combination of the model of spatial dynamics, the model of nonlinear double-track dynamics, and the nonlinear tire model. The operation of the hydraulic actuator is controlled by a fuzzy algorithm with 3-inputs. The defuzzification rule is determined based on the combination of 27 cases. The process of calculation and simulation is done with four specific cases corresponding to steering angles. In each case, three situations were investigated. Besides, the speed of the vehicle is also gradually increased from v1 to v4. As a result of the simulation, which was performed in the MATLAB-Simulink environment, the output values such as roll angle, change of the vertical force, and roll index were significantly reduced when the active stabilizer bar was used. If the vehicle does not use the stabilizer bar, the vehicle may roll over in both the second, third, and fourth cases. If the vehicle uses a mechanical stabilizer bar, this also occurs in the third and fourth cases (only at a very high velocity, v4). However, the rollover phenomenon did not occur if the vehicle used a hydraulic stabilizer bar controlled by the fuzzy 3-inputs algorithm. In all investigated cases, the stability and safety of the vehicle are always guaranteed. Besides, the responsiveness of the controller is also very good. An experimental process needs to be conducted to verify the correctness of this research.