This paper presents three fault-tolerant control (FTC) strategies for a coaxial octorotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) regarding motor failures. The first FTC is based on a control mixing strategy which consists of a set of control laws designed offline, each one dedicated to a specific fault situation. The second FTC, a robust adaptive sliding mode control allocation is presented, where the control gains of the controller are adjusted online in order to redistribute the control signals among the healthy motors in order to stabilize the overall system. The third FTC strategy is a new strategy proposed in this article, which is based on a self-tuning sliding mode control (STSMC) where the control gains are readjusted based on the detected error to maintain the stability of the system. Multiple indoor experiments on an octorotor UAV are conducted to show and compare the effectiveness and the behavior of each FTC scheme after successive faults are injected. More specifically, we inject complete actuator's failures into the top four motors of our octorotor. Every strategies show good fault tolerance results, although the control mixing method performs slightly better overall while the adaptive method performs slightly worse. However, the control mixing method requires a huge design effort to take into account as much situations as possible, while the adaptive method and the STSMC only require to determine a few gains. The adaptive method do not need fault detection to operate, but it thus does not provide information on the system's health without an additional fault identification and diagnosis mechanism, while both the control mixing method and the STSMC provide such information.